Ultimate AccuracyTarot Reading Energy HealingReiki Healing Ultimate SolutionsFeng-Shui
Ultimate AccuracyTarot Reading
A Tarot reading with Inseeya will help guide you through the obstacles you may be facing in your day-to-day life.
Energy HealingReiki Healing
Resolves Energy Blockages, Imbalances on the Emotional, Mental and Physical Level
Ultimate SolutionsFeng-Shui
To energize Homes, Offices, Factories etc.. with a Positive and Balanced Flow of Energy

Our Most Exciting





Inseeya is internationally renowned for her Tarot card reading and Reiki energy healing. A qualified engineer by profession, she has been a Holistic and Wellness specialist since more than 21 years.

Inseeya started her work from Hyderabad, India in 1997 and till date has clients all over the World. She has her talk shows on TV and Radio and also writes for newspapers and magazines. Her program ‘Sitaronkibaat Inseeya kesaath’ was on ETV channel and Radio Fever FM, Mumbai.

Holistic experience includes


Tarot-card reader
Reiki Grandmaster
Fengshui consultant

Tarot Reading

Reiki Healing
